Assortments and Products

1) Pulpă / Comb / Round
2) Vrăbioară / Lapos hátszín / Sirloin
3) T-bone Steak / Lapos hátszín / Short loin
4) Mușchi / Bélszín / Tenderloin
5) Bavetă (fleică) / Hasaalja / Flank
6) Antricot / Magas hátszín / Rib
7) Coaste / Borda (Oldalas) / Beef ribs
8) Cap de piept / Szegy hátulja / Brisket
9) Greabăn / Tarja / Chuck Roll
10) Ceafă / Tarja / Chuck
11) Spată / Lapocka / Shoulder
12) Gât / Nyak / Neck
13) Piept / Szegy eleje / Short plate
14) Rasol cu os / Osso bucco / Lábszár / Shank
14) Rasol cu os / Osso bucco / Lábszár / Shank
15) Obrăjor / Ökörszáj (Pofa) / Cheek
16) Limbă / Nyelv / Tongue
17) Rasol alb / Fehér pecsenye / Eye of round
18) Coadă / Farok / Tail
*Select a number to discover the assortments in our offer.
*For best interaction with the numbered points on the layout above, access this page from your laptop/computer/desktop.
Our Offer

We offer a wide range of Black Angus beef, such as T-bone steak, chuck, rib, tenderloin or shank. The assortments are of a superior quality and will have a special taste after they are cooked, due to the marbling and tenderness. However, it is important to remember that each cut is prepared differently to achieve the best possible taste and desired texture. Some cuts are ideal for grilled or pan-fried steaks, and others are suitable for roast beef in the oven, beef soup, stew or goulash.
Our offer includes both fresh, aged and frozen meat assortments, as well as a multitude of cuts, packages and portions.
Clean Label / All Natural

In line with consumer demands, more and more companies in the food industry are interested in expanding their offer with traditional products, closer to natural ones. In order to fulfill these requirements, it is necessary not only to expand the products, but also to develop the processing technologies. Today, we can even find Clean Label products on the food market without taste enhancers, without allergens and with reduced content of or without food additives. The range of Clean Label products – in other words with a clean label – is very wide, including All Natural products that do not contain synthetic materials, but only natural components, bio or organic products, in the cultivation of which no synthetic chemicals are used, and products that do not contain substances with E’s.


Front Quarter
The beef forequarter is the anterior portion of the beef side which is separated from the hind quarter by a cut passing between the 12th and 13th ribs. This is broken into primals: chuck, rib, plate, brisket and foreshank. The front quarter is prepared from a carcass side by the separation of the forequarter and the hindquarter by a cut along the specified rib, at right angles to the vertebral column through the ventral portion of the flank.
The hindquarter is the posterior portion of the beef side which is separated from the front quarter by a cut passing between the 12th and 13th rib. The hindquarter is prepared from the carcass side by the separation of the hindquarter and forequarter by a cut along the specified rib at right angles to the vertebral column through to the ventral portion of the flank.

Benefits of Black Angus

The advantages and benefits offered by the consumption of beef are known throughout the world, being recommended by both health experts and nutritionists.
Angus beef is rich in protein, amino acids, minerals, Omega 3, vitamins B12 and B6, Zinc, Iron and has low cholesterol, which are essential for the human body.
The main quality of this breed is marbling, that is, it deposits intramuscular fat, which gives it that very special tenderness, flavor and juiciness.

Unprocessed Assortments/Products

1. Beef round
The beef round is a cut of the hind quarter obtained by separating it from the thigh by a straight section anterior to the rump joint (femoral head) separating the pelvic bone (coxal bone) into two approximately equal parts.
Coulotte / Rump cap / Top sirloin cap
The Coulotte / Rump cap / Top sirloin cap is the most important part of the thigh with a fine and well-marbled texture. It is known as a very good steak with a tenderness similar to the sirloin, but with a more intense taste. It comes from between the lumbar region and the thigh.
Packing ➡️ vacuum bag

Picanha is the upper muscle layer in the ankle area, just under the skin. With few intramuscular fat insertions but with a fine texture, picanha is a muscle that is used a little during the animal’s movement, so it remains very tender. It is covered on the outside with a generous layer of fat, which does not have to be removed during cooking. It can be grilled, sliced along the fibre.
Packing ➡️ vacuum bag

Top Round / Topside
Topside is a beef cut from the top of the inner thigh muscles. It is a muscle that is highly stressed during walking and therefore it does not have that much intramuscular fat. The texture of the muscle fiber is denser but it has a very pronounced flavour. The Top Round / Topside can be used for schnitzel, goulash, beef soup or baked dishes.
Packing ➡️ vacuum bag

Silverside (Fricandeau)
The silverside comes from the inside of the thigh. The muscles in this area are used for movement, so the beef is leaner and less tender. Being a lean cut, it is best suited for roasting, slow cooking or grilling/roasting if sliced thinly. Although silverside and the Eye of Round have different textures, they can be cooked in the same way. In the prepared version you will notice the difference in texture and taste between them.
Packing ➡️ vacuum bag

Knuckle/Round Tip Roast
The knuckle/round tip roast is located in the inner part of the thigh. It looks round, hence its name. It is one of the most tender parts of the thigh with a thin muscle fibre, quite a lot of connective tissue and a special taste and juiciness.
Packing ➡️ vacuum bag

2. Sirloin
Sirloin is part of the roast beef. It is found in the lumbar region of the spine and transitions to the thigh. It is rich in intramuscular fat inserts, making it suitable for grilling.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole

3. T-bone Steak
T-bone Steak is made up of tenderloin and sirloin, separated by a “T” shaped bone, providing optimal tenderness and full flavour thanks to the two types of pieces. It has a high degree of marbling, tenderness and flavour.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole

4. Tenderloin
The tenderloin has the highest tenderness of all cuts, and a fine texture. The tenderloin is the highest quality steak. It comes from the part of the loin called the “short loin”. It is positioned next to the spine and is shaped like a fish.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole

5. Flank
The flank is the portion of the hindquarter. It is separated from the thigh by a straight section, approximately parallel to the lumbar vertebral column, having its starting point near or through the inguinal lymph node (prefemoral) and from the chest by a cut passing between the 12th and 13th ribs and the costal cartilage.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag

6. Ribeye
Bone-in Rib Eye
The Bone-in Rib Eye comes from the anterior part of the spine, from the 6th to the 12th rib. It is aromatic and tender, coming from the upper thoracic cavity, with little muscle movement. Intensely marbled, the antelope is ideal for quick roasting over a live fire on the grill.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole

Boneless Ribeye / Eye of the Rib
The boneless ribeye or Eye of the Rib translates anatomically as “eye of the rib” because it originates from the front of the spine. It is one of the tastiest parts of the entire carcass, with a high degree of marbling and a generous layer of fat. The boneless cut offers a different flavour, but just as tasty as the bone-in version, with slight differences in tenderness.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole

Tomahawk is a steak obtained from the spine, the side with the ribs. The area comprising the Tomawahk runs from the 6th rib to the 11th rib.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole

7. Beef rib
Beef ribs come from the hindquarter, including 6-8 ribs. Thanks to the tightly packed intercostal muscles, grilled ribs are a real delicacy.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole

8. Brisket
It’s separated from the plate/chest by a straight cut between ribs 5 and 6, from the chuck by a right-angled cut to the first cut, passing to a point slightly posterior and above the foot joint (the joint between the radius and ulna towards the humerus) and separating from the shank by a cut following the natural contour of the humeral joint bone (the physiological contour of the ulna).
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag

9. Chuck Roll
The chuck roll is a cut inside the ribs, being the continuation of the rib, towards the neck. It is a marbled, juicy cut, and it can be very tender when cooked properly.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag

10. Chuck
This is a rectangular section of meat, separated from the rest of the sections (rib, plate and brisket) by two straight cuts perpendicular to each other. The first cut passes between the 5th and 6th ribs that separates the chuck, the short plate and the shank from the rib and the brisket. The second cut passes through a point immediately above, posterior to the joint of the leg, cutting the connecting cartilage between the first rib and the sternum, thus separating the chuck from the brisket and shank.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag

11. Shoulder / Clod
The shoulder or clod located around the scapula and shoulder bone, is a well-balanced proportion of meat and fat, with an intense and aromatic taste. Along with brisket, it can be an interesting mix for burgers. It is often used for goulash and stews.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag

13. Short plate
This cut is separated from the chuck and brisket by a sectioning that passes between ribs 5 and 6, and from the rib by a straight cut that passes over the ribs at right angles to the previous sectioning by a point slightly sub-deflected from median rib cage.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag

14. Bone-in Beef Shank
Osso bucco is a cut extracted from the lower part of the thigh/round, namely the calf area. The cut is sliced and it contains a part of the tubular bone, including the marrow, which when cooked gives the meat an intense taste and much different from all the other cuts. The texture of the fiber is very dense with a low fat content, which makes the shank suitable for long cooking over low heat. It makes tasty veal soups and stews, as well as osso bucco.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole

15. Beef Cheek
Beef cheek is a cut of meat that is made up of tough muscles, having a fibrous texture, prominent and medium marbling, which has the potential to become a tender and silky meat if cooked correctly.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole

17. Eye of Round
The Eye of Round is in the central part of the round, it has an elongated shape and it is known as the “Eye of Round” due to its positioning. It has striated muscle fiber, similar in shape to that of the tenderloin. It is, however, a firmer fiber than the tenderloin, being a muscle exercised in the movement of the animal. This cut is very suitable for indirect heat-based dishes, steaks, and pan dishes if it is marinated beforehand.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole

Beef Diaphragm (Skirt Steak)
Beef diaphragm, commonly known as skirt steak, is a flavorful and versatile cut of beef derived from the diaphragm muscle. This long, flat cut is divided into two types: inside skirt and outside skirt. Known for its robust beefy taste, skirt steak is prized in various culinary preparations, especially in dishes like fajitas, tacos, and stir-fries. With a coarse texture and distinct grain, skirt steak benefits from marinating to enhance tenderness.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole

Ready-to-Cook Beef
It is fresh, ready-to-cook beef or meat that can be used in various dishes such as sausages, minced meat, etc.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole

Processed Assortments/Products

Minced Meat
Minced meat consists of a mix of neck, chuck roll, plate and shoulder/clod. In the production process, immediately after slicing and chopping, the meat goes under a rapid freezing process that ensures the preservation of all its properties, thanks to the freezing speed and the extremely low temperature. The meat passes through the freezing tunnel in 24 hours at a temperature between -32 and -36 °C, and is then stored at a constant temperature of -18 °C. No spices are added.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole
The ground beef for burgers is made of a mix of neck, chuck roll, plate and shoulder/clod, with a meat-to-fat ratio of approx. 75/25%. In the production process, immediately after slicing the meat, the minced meat is quickly frozen that ensures the preservation of all its properties, due to the freezing speed and the extremely low temperature. Added spices: salt, pepper.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole
It contains a combination of beef clod, ready-to-cook beef and fat in a ratio of 75%-25%. Seasonings used: salt, pepper. After chopping the meat and mixing it with spices, the „mici“/„mititei“ are stored in the fridge.
Packing ➡️ Vacuum bag | Foiled casserole
Hot Dogs
Hot dogs made from beef, beef tallow, salt, pepper, garlic and crushed ice, using traditional and natural methods. The obtaining process is longer, requiring more kneading of the composition. Finally, they are boiled and stored.
Packing ➡️ In Skin | Foiled casserole
*The images on this page are for presentation purposes.

By buying products from local farms and producers, you will ensure their freshness, bearing in mind that they do not travel thousands of kilometers to reach your table.

Thanks to the optimal, stress-free environment and conditions, in which the cattle are raised and the natural feed they are fed, the quality of the meat is superior. It is a multivitamin of nature.

The special taste of Black Angus meat is provided by its main quality (marbling), which also gives it a truly special tenderness, flavor and juiciness that will surprise you.

Angus beef is considered healthy due to its high content of protein, amino acids, minerals, Omega 3, vitamins B12 and B6, Zinc, Iron and low cholesterol.

RO17144337; J26/80/2005
Main Street, no. 470/A, Măgherani village
Măgherani commune, Mureș county
Postal code 547385, Romania
Phone: +4 0749 168 168